Trimming Nails: A Strategic Planning Job.

Boy Sleeping

It’s ten o’clock at night. My child is finally asleep good enough for me to do it. Oh, how I hate doing this because if I wake him up I just asked for a meltdown, and that is one thing I never ask for. However, if I don’t take the chance and do it, it’s going to be bad real soon. It won’t be too long before he starts looking like Edward Scissorhands. It’s already so bad that he scratches me when he claws at me when he is mad. I’ve got to do it. It is very risky, to say the least, because I really need my sleep. If I wake him up, it is not just a meltdown that will happen. He will also be wide awake after the meltdown has ceased and will run around my house wild all night long.

What exactly am I talking about, you might ask?

Trimming finger nails and toe nails!

Oh, how I wish it was as easy for my boys as it is for neurotypical children. I remember when my boys were newborns and I just hated trimming their nails because they were so small. Now, well…it’s a different story. I would take the nerves of trimming tiny nails any day over what I have to do now to achieve this process.

I was telling someone about how the process goes to trim their nails the other day and they gave me that “deer in headlights” look. They had no idea. No idea at all that something so easy could be so hard for autism families.

It’s for real folks. I tiptoe into his room and hold my breath while I do it because I am petrified that he will hear me breathing and wake up. It’s dark. I use my phone for light and once again I am scared to death the light will wake him up. But it has to be done. I can’t let him walk around with nails that constantly scratch his coaches and me. I can’t let his toe nails start growing into his skin. It has to be done.

He is getting bigger and stronger each day and the older he gets, well, this simple process is not getting better. So, I will continue to tiptoe into his room while he is sleeping, hold my breath, and do the job. It could be worse, but it could also be better.

Every day has it challenges. Each day brings about new challenges and new worries. However, we are autism parents. Besides trimming nails in the dark, we also know how to hold our children down for haircuts while they scream and lash out. We are used to fixing and packing the same lunch for them every day during the school year. We know what happens if we don’t follow our routine and schedule. We are familiar with sensory overload and the great lengths that we have to go to every day for our children. Sadly enough, the simple task of trimming nails is one of those seemingly easy things that takes a lot of strategic planning, and it’s likely that only special needs parents can fully understand.

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When It’s Hard for Your Child to Make Friends

Unhappy Child

His name was George. He was always a mess. His shirt was perpetually untucked and his hair was always all askew. He had the bad habit of picking his nose chronically and, like his fairytale predecessor “Georgie Porgie,” he did actually chase the girls to kiss them. He had no friends that I remember.

I went to grade school with George, and had forgotten about him for years, until I started worrying about my own child. You see, my daughter is totally unlike me socially. I tend to be relatively shy at first, especially in crowds. I prefer to hang back and assess a room, judging who to approach to strike up a conversation. My son is just like me in this behavior. My daughter is not. She’s more like George.

She tends to just jump right into any situation, talking. It’s been her approach to life since she could move on her own. Her toddler years found me on constant alert, as she explored the world around her with no sense of danger or self-preservation. This led to many stories we laugh about now, but I’m pretty sure my hair started going grey during those years. As stressful as it was, she had a zest for life that I couldn’t help but marvel at and admire. It was a joy to just watch her.

Before she was even in kindergarten, I guessed that the school years wouldn’t be easy ones for her. With the over-emphasis on core curriculum and testing, there’s little room for creativity and play. And kids like my daughter thrive on both imagination and movement. The early years of grade school were hard ones for her, as a kid who had what I call “ants-in-the-pants-itis.” It was hard for her to focus when her body wasn’t in motion. She loved to just shout out answers instead of waiting to be called on, and had no problem telling the other students they were wrong when they were.

As the wife and daughter of teachers, I empathized with her teachers and did my best to talk to her about what was, and what was not, acceptable. Not only in a classroom setting, but in any social setting as well. But as the mother of a child who obviously learned differently, I also wanted to protect her sense of self and hated the idea of having anybody trying to hammer down my square child into a round hole.

She learned gradually and, by fifth grade, had mastered classroom etiquette while bringing home good grades. Social etiquette, and especially interaction with her peers, however, was nowhere near as successful. Girls can be cruel, and especially pre-teen girls. Although she’d talk about her friends, she didn’t seem to be invited to many parties or sleepovers or even casual get-togethers. And I knew these were happening, because I’d see the photos that these girls’ moms were posting on social media.

I was never a cruel child and I have no memories of ever being mean to George. But I know that I didn’t go out of my way to be kind to him either. Yet here I sit, yearning for kids to be kind to my child. My child who can be loud, who loves to sing to herself, and whose hair is so very often a mess. And you know what?

I wonder if George’s mom’s heart broke too.

– By an Anonymous Mom.

What Mother’s Day means to me…

— A guest post by Annie Ayoub, an Autism mom

This picture was taken almost 2 years ago, and I treasure it, because it was really the last time that my two children really bonded together, and one of the few moments they really ever played with each other at all. Not because they hate each other, but because my son has Autism, and with Joseph getting older, and going through puberty, he has become more physically aggressive to his sister and others!

On many occasions my daughter has said to me, “I wish my brother was a regular kid, so I know what it feels like to have a sibling”. I try to explain to her that it is a very tough time for her brother right now, but he loves her very much, and even though he does not show it, just give him some time and one day you will see it again…..


So Mother’s Day to me does not mean flowers, gifts or expensive jewelry. None of that really matters.

It’s the family bond, the love you see between siblings, and knowing how tough it is for my daughter to have always been the “big sister” per se. For many years, I have explained to her that she is an inspiration to so many others as young as she is, and she will grow up to be so much more empathetic and appreciative to others, because of her experiences.

As a special-needs mom, I tell all the moms out there who have “typical” children… enjoy watching them playing ball outside, board games, riding bikes together, or even teasing and fighting with each other, because I never really experienced those things with my kids. I look back at this picture and reminisce, but truly believe in my heart that one day, down the road, that bond that once was between the two of them, even though they didn’t really play much with each other will be back….

So in life, I always appreciate what I have, because I know there is someone out there that has it worse, so folks, just think about it the next time you see your children playing or fighting together, just enjoy every moment of it, because some may never get the opportunity to see and experience just that….

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Great Moms out there and God bless!!❤️💐

To Autism Moms on Mother’s Day

Mothers Day

I remember my first Mother’s Day when I was pregnant with Trenton, my oldest son with severe autism. I had dreams that one day he would make me a homemade card and tell me how I am the best mother in the world. I envisioned him being a young man one day treating his Momma like royalty on Mother’s Day. You know, all those things that moms like to hear and get from their children.

I’m not sure any of that will ever happen with him. However, it doesn’t make Mother’s Day any less special. Even though my motherhood experience turned out much different than what I thought, it doesn’t make me any less of a mother. In fact, it makes me that much better of a mom.

Autism moms are special. We go on the least amount of sleep daily and still battle all of the challenges autism brings to our home daily. I am sure if anyone asks an autism mom what they want for Mother’s Day, many of them would say a nap.

Autism moms know the pain of seeing their child struggle to make friends and to fit in.

Autism moms are more than just mothers.

Mommy PhotoWe are advocates, educators, cheerleaders, therapists, warriors, and much more. Most of the time we are battling our roles in life while losing friends and struggling ourselves to find where we fit in because autism has totally changed our life.

Autism moms and special needs mothers in general may just be the hardest-working mothers in this world. Yet, we are raising children who are unable to show us their appreciation. I am here to tell you that, even if your children can’t express it, I know they love us and appreciate everything we do for them.

If you are like me, Mother’s Day will be no different than any other normal day. I will still be up by 3 a.m. to start our day. I will battle a meltdown or two because he is unable to tell me what he wants. I will struggle with his hyperactivity and impulsive behavior every minute of the day and it will leave me completely exhausted by 8 a.m. I will watch his repetitive behaviors all day long. I will answer the same question over and over from my high-functioning child. I will keep on managing autism like I do every day.

While the world sees the glamorous side of Mother’s Day on TV and everywhere else you turn, we know all too well that many mothers don’t get to enjoy that side. I am very blessed to be a mother and to share this day honoring all the hard-working mothers in the world. However, it still doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt even if it’s just a little bit.

So, to all the autism moms out there this Mother’s Day, hold your head high. We have been given one of the most difficult task that a mother can be given. We may not hear our child say, “Happy Mother’s Day,” ever. We may not get the luxury of sleeping in and waking up to a breakfast made by our children. However, we are a member of the strongest group of women this day and age. We are Autism Moms.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Angela and her family reside in Terre Haute, Indiana, where they moved to get more help for her son with severe autism. She was born and raised in a small town in southern Illinois where her love for animals and helping others blossomed.

She enjoys sharing the honest and real side of autism through her writing. Her writing may not apply to every family with a child with autism, but it is sure to apply to the families raising children on the severe end of the spectrum.

Read more of Angela’s journey on her website or Facebook page.


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These Are the Moments

These Are The Moments

Running around this morning, I was trying to get myself ready for work, and my kids ready for school. Mia wasn’t getting up and, after calling down to her multiple times, I knew I was going to have to go down and get her out of bed myself. Before I even made it to her room, I could feel my frustration level rising.

It was nothing she had done; it was just one of those days.

And, while I normally have the patience to handle what I knew to be coming, today I felt tapped out. On top of having ADHD and Autism, my daughter has ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). For those of you who have a child with ODD, you know that it’s a real treat. You almost can’t understand the apparent absurdity of it until you’ve witnessed it firsthand.

I‘ve come to realize that every morning my daughter’s first words will be “No,” or some semblance of that. All mornings start the same:

“Good morning sunshine! Ready to get up? ” No.

“Time to get up babe, Breakfast is ready.” No it isn’t.

“Hey Mia, look out your window! It snowed last night!” No it didn’t.

“What a nice day! You’re going to have fun playing outside!” No I won’t.

“Let’s get up and get ready! You have swimming lessons tonight!” No I don’t.

And on, and on, and on.

When my husband takes his turn and I hear him say, “Alright, let’s go. Time to get up!” I catch myself in the next room thinking, “No it isn’t.” I know it’s not her fault. She can’t control this. She has barely opened her eyes or woken out of sleep, and regardless of the circumstance, it’s her first response. Understanding that this is part of her genetic makeup (Who wants to say no all the time?), this part of my morning usually gives me perspective, a dose of patience, and a sense of protectiveness, and acts as an early-morning reminder of what this little girl has to deal with.

As predicted, we went through the same song and dance this morning. She said no, I lifted her little 8-year-old self out of bed, she put up a fuss, and then eventually we started the school morning routine. Only this morning I didn’t feel that patience; I couldn’t find the perspective. I felt frustrated. Please God, just one school morning. Why can’t she just get up and be happy? As someone who doesn’t hide their emotions well—a blessing and a curse if you ask my husband—I stayed quiet. I have learned that there’s no point in getting upset. I bit my tongue, said my silent prayers (pleas), and started through the motions of the morning.

Today, because she decided that she was going to wear a dress that she can’t get into without assistance, I was quietly kneeling down in front of her, doing up the buttons on the front of her dress when I felt it. Two little arms wrap around me, followed by a kiss on my neck. As affectionate as Mia can be, she has never kissed me on the neck. In that moment, processing all at once how much I love her, how sweet her intentions were, how extremely innocent she is, and fighting the guilt I had for being frustrated—she told me she loved me, thanked me for helping her get ready, and hugged me again. With that, she skipped out of the room, ready to start her day.

These are the moments: the moments that make the hardest of days manageable, the moments that make me so thankful that Mia is my daughter and that I’m the one that God chose to deal with all of the perceived absurdity and to help her navigate the challenges that are yet to come. These are the moments where what I stress about is put into perspective and I stop to appreciate the true joys that come with raising a child with special needs. It’s not always a kiss. It’s when she says she’s sorry for something that I know she can’t help, when she runs to me after school as if she hasn’t seen me in ages, when she looks at me desperately during a basketball tryout because she hadn’t realized there was so much running involved, and yes—sometimes it’s when I get a kiss on the neck, at that very same moment when I’m feeling like I’m not enough.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but as for today… I’m thankful for the moments—every single one of them.

The Hardest Part

Angela Conrad sons2I have been asked before, “What is the hardest part of having a child with autism?”

Honestly, when I am asked this question, I don’t know what to say because there isn’t just one area that is the hardest. How could I choose when everything about severe autism is challenging and hard?

Is it battling the daily meltdowns because he is unable to communicate to me what he wants? This area is extremely difficult. I know what it feels like to not be able to figure out what he wants, so I can’t even begin to imagine what Trenton feels like not being able to communicate to me.

Is it battling severe sleep deprivation on a daily basis? Sleep deprivation is pure torture. Even though my child doesn’t require the amount of sleep that an average person should require, I sure do. It is torture to have to go day to day on only a few hours of sleep.

Is it knowing that your child will, more than likely, never be able to live on his own? This haunts me every day! It is never out of my mind… NEVER!

Is it the judgment and lack of empathy from the public? I’ve received the looks from the general public while trying to take Trenton out. They don’t understand why a perfectly normal-looking child is behaving the way he does. It sure doesn’t make the stress any easier on me.

Is it the sensory problems that accompany my children or the inability of Trenton to be able to eat anything other than 5 certain food items? It is beyond difficult managing Trenton’s daily sensory problems and food problems. On some days, Trenton needs a lot of input and pressure on his body. On other days, he needs to swing a lot.

Is it the stress of trying to keep my child safe because he is an eloper and will escape and never look back the second that he gets away? Raising a child who is unable to understand danger is very stressful. The older he gets, the harder it is to keep him safe from running away.

Is it the stress of potty training for one straight year now and being no closer to achieving that goal than we were 6 months ago? He goes from smearing his feces to urinating on my carpet. When will he get potty trained??

Is it their obsessions and how Andrew verbally expresses everything to people? My child with mild autism does not have a filter and he has said some of the least appropriate things to people before.  His lack of being able to communicate and socialize properly is very evident through his obsessions, and conversations that he has with people about his obsessions.

Is it simply trying to get people to understand that, even though both of my children have autism, they are on the opposite ends of the spectrum? Therefore, their challenges are completely different and you can’t compare them.

Is it the stress of losing family members, a marriage, and friends? All three have happened to me and I know they have happened to you too. It is hard to get everyone to understand autism because some autism just simply “looks” too normal, and many people think that you are just exaggerating because they have never seen your child do what you say he does. Oh the stress…it never ends, does it!

Is it dealing with the change in a routine?  To be truthful, this is very devastating and can make or break their day, week, or even month when a change occurs in their daily schedule.

My list could go on and on. As you can see, it is hard to answer that question.  Autism comes with many challenges. The challenges do not only affect the person with autism, but it also affects the whole entire family.

So, the next time I get asked, “What’s the hardest part of raising a child with autism?” I believe I just may say, “All of it.”


Angela and her family reside in Terre Haute, Indiana, where they moved to get more help for her son with severe autism. She was born and raised in a small town in southern Illinois where her love for animals and helping others blossomed.

She enjoys sharing the honest and real side of autism through her writing. Her writing may not apply to every family with a child with autism, but it is sure to apply to the families raising children on the severe end of the spectrum.

To read more of Angela’s journey please visit her website or like her Facebook page.

Baseball Game Hits a Home Run for Autism Awareness

We asked Awenesty of Autism blog writer Kate Hooven to write an introduction for this local news video showcasing a local baseball game that she organized for Autism Awareness Day. It was a memorable day for her as, besides spreading awareness, she also got to watch both of her sons participating.


Ever since he can remember, Ryan was dragged from ball field to ball field to attend his big brother Kyle’s baseball games. For a kid who’s not a fan of bugs, heat, wind, rain or cold, he endured a lot to support his big brother. During many games, Ryan sat in the car because it was too cold, too windy, too bright, too hot or too buggy, but when Kyle would step up to the plate, Ryan’s voice would carry across the baseball diamond as he popped his head out of the van’s sun roof and cheered for his brother. Ryan has always been Kyle’s No. 1 fan.

To have the tables turn on a cool, windy spring day, and hear Kyle’s voice drift across the infield cheering on Ryan, was a beautiful turn of events. It was the CV Eagles first-ever Autism Awareness Baseball Game and Kyle was crouched down behind home plate waiting for his little brother Ryan to step up on the mound and throw out the ceremonial first pitch. From where I stood along the first-base line, I could see Kyle’s smile, his pride and his admiration for his little brother— Kyle has never seen him as his autistic brother, only as his brother.

On that cold, windy day, Ryan said happily, “I felt like I had fans for the first time ever today.” Little does Ryan know that, although there were many fans over the years sitting in the stands, cheering on his big brother as Kyle made diving catches, turned two and ripped the ball down the left-field line, Ryan has always had a fan on and off the ball field who cheers for him louder than anyone.


Kate and her family have lived in Mechanicsburg, PA, for the past 20 years. When Kate is not busy advocating “different, not less,” she enjoys reading, binging on Netflix and spending time with her family and friends.

Kate HoovenIn addition to her advocacy service and her blog, Kate is also a Justice System Consultant for PA’s ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training) Collaborative. With her prior experience working in PA’s Juvenile Justice System and her passion for advocating for children and adults living with autism, Kate enjoys her time training probation officers, police officers, attorneys, judges, correctional officers and others employed in the justice system in order to raise awareness of the impact an autism diagnosis has on those that become involved in our juvenile and criminal justice systems.

Kate hopes that, through her writing, she is sharing a real, raw and AWEnest look at how autism impacts her family, and in doing so, she may help other parents recognize that they are not alone on this autism journey. Her stories and photos are shared with permission from her incredibly AWEsome son, Ryan, who also wants people to believe that even though he is “different,” he is not ever “less.”

To read more from Kate, follow her on Facebook or visit The AWEnesty of Autism website today.

The Look


I’m not sure about you, but I’ve dealt with the stare numerous times since autism entered my world. You know the look you get from someone when they think your child is just acting out and that you, the parent, are not disciplining him correctly. Sometimes it is just a look. At other times, it can be the shaking of the head or the pointing finger.

It doesn’t matter how many times I get the look, it still hurts. I don’t let it ruin my day. I don’t let the look get me down. It just simply hurts. I hurt for my children. They simply can’t help it. I’m sure if they could change the way they behave they would love too.  They have just as much right in this world to try to go out in public as the kid next door does. Just because we have challenges that do not allow us to be quiet and still doesn’t mean we have to get the look or even worse, receive comments.

One of the first things that I was told after my oldest son diagnosis was to prepare myself for a rocky road with lots of people who don’t understand. Wow, where they ever right!

Honestly, I don’t blame the people who stare, look, or comment on my children.  They just simply are not educated on the often hidden disability of autism. Before my sons were born, and before I went to college for special education, I knew very little about autism. It had never entered my world before. Sure, I knew a few people with autism but that was about it. I didn’t know and understand the challenges that they went through behind closed doors.

So, for the people who do not live with autism; please don’t be so quick to give that look to a parent when you see a child misbehave in public. Don’t be so quick to say something that is judgmental to the parent. Not all disabilities have physical traits. Some disabilities, like autism, are hidden. You would have no idea and probably could never fathom in a million years what that parent and/or parents go through daily.

To the parents of kids with autism, let’s not be so hard on the people who judge us. I know all too well how difficult that is to do but let’s try to do it. They simply just need education on autism. Who is going to advocate and educate them if the parents and loved ones don’t? Let’s try to do our part and educate the world on our children. I know we expected the world to educate our kids but like we know all too well, life doesn’t always go the way we planned.

Every time I get the look from someone, every time I get a comment thrown my way, I don’t let it get me down. Instead, it is a huge motivator for me to raise awareness for my children’s sake.

We can help change how the world views our children.

We can make a difference.

On The First Anniversary Of Our Autism Diagnosis


To the parents anxiously awaiting that first doctors appointment. Hoping, wishing, and praying that all those “idiosyncrsies” you see in your precious child, are just that, eccentric quirks. You’re longing to hear that everything will be fine – that it’s all in your head. That you’re just being overprotective, over reacting or jumping to conclusions.

I was you 365 days ago.

One year ago I sat in that sterile, white neurologists office regurgitating information about my son while he threw blocks, cars, and anything else he could get his hands on in the corner of the room.

One year ago I was told that my life was essentially over – while attempting to keep my composure, words I never thought would describe my life as a brand new mother were thrown my way – autism spectrum disorder, lifelong care, endless therapy, and thousands of dollars out of pocket. I sat there, attempting to take it all in – to absorb everything as I listened to a man who had just met my sweet son and I try and tell me that my son may never live alone and I may go broke attempting to care for him.

But today, today I’m drinking a glass of wine (or five) and skipping my evening workout. I’m going to sit in front of my TV and binge watch Chuggington on Netflix while I hold my precious little boy at my side.

Because we’ve survived.

We’ve survived one whole year of autism in our life.

If you would have asked me a year ago, I’m not sure I ever thought we would make it to the one year mark unscathed.


To you newly diagnosed parents, I know it might seem like theres a dark cloud following you around and although this is new territory you’re venturing into, if theres any advice I wish I received at the beginning of our diagnosis, it would be…

Don’t google.

Google is NOT your friend. I repeat, Google is NOT your friend! The day my precious baby was diagnosed with autism, I immediately went home, locked myself away in my bedroom and googled. A plethora of information, most scary and worst case scenarios came up in my searches. It was information overload.

It’s okay to feel grief.

One of the hardest things about this autism journey is getting past the grief you feel and the expectations you previously held for your child’s future. It’s perfectly normal to feel a twinge of sadness as you see other children your child’s age jumping through hoops in terms of milestones, while your child is seemingly getting left behind. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to take time for yourself. It’s okay if you don’t know what to do yet. It’s okay to search for what works best for your family.  It’s okay to scream and lock yourself away for a little bit, because sometimes that is the only place where you can find solace, as long as you realize when it’s time to brush yourself off, get up and be an advocate for your child.

Not everyone you meet will be kind.

Not everyone you meet will be sympathetic. Not everyone you meet will understand the struggle of raising a limited verbal child. Not everyone will understand how hard it is to go out in public and not have an anxiety attack or cry an ocean of tears, right along with your child when they’re arching their back, hitting themselves compulsively in the face, and throwing everything off the grocery store shelves. When they struggle, you struggle. When they hurt, you hurt. When they feel overwhelmed with the world, you can’t help but feel the same. You wish more than anything that the world would just understand your child. The stares. The whispers. The unkind words. The looks of disgust. Try not to let them hurt you too much, although easier said than done. Not everyone knows, understands, or cares about your battle. Allow those unkind and challenging instances to give autism a voice and to educate those around you.

Everyone will all of a sudden become “autism experts.”

Many times when people think of autism, they immediately think of Rainman. Remember, every child with autism is unique. Post diagnosis, the floodgates of advice will open. Most mean well, but some don’t. You will be told that your child “looks normal”, you’ll be asked “if you’re sure.” You will most likely get the spiel that vaccinating your child caused it – or that if you would just give them this or that, your child will be cured. Your child will be compared to your uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, friend with autism. Your journey may be vastly different from those around you. What worked for one person, may not work for someone else. Oh yeah, and Jenny McCarthy is not God.

Find your tribe.

You can’t do this journey alone. It’s just not possible. When the world feels like it’s spinning and you aren’t able to stand still, your tribe will be there to keep you grounded. They will understand the struggles, the meltdowns, the anger and grief, the feeling of being alone. Find them. Love them. Cry with them. Thank them for being so freaking awesome in your life. Seek out any and every avenue to meet others faced with the same journey.

Don’t discount those little milestones.

For us special needs parents, it’s the little milestones that many neurotypical parents take for granted that mean the most to us. I remember the joy I felt the first time my son looked at me when I called his name. Or the time he used sign language correctly, after 8 months of practice, to communicate his need of wanting more juice. I think we both jumped up and down like crazy people the day he pointed to the fridge and attempted to say the word “apple” – meaning he wanted applesauce. You will never take those seemingly small moments for granted – and you will feel on top of the world, each and every time they occur. So many times your child will surprise you and exceed and surpass your expectations.

I know it might seem as though you have a huge mountain to climb – and you’re afraid because you can’t see what’s on the other side, but I’m here to tell you that things WILL be okay. I was YOU one short year ago. I remember being devastated and terrified of this new life I was forced to live.

I won’t tell you that it’s been easy – there have been more days than I care to admit that I would want nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide away from the world. There are more days than I care to admit that I wish and pray autism away. There are more days than I care to admit the defeat I feel for my child when I see how long it takes him to master a skill. There are more days than I care to admit where I feel sadness thinking of the struggles my child will face later in life. There are more days than I care to admit where I wish I could understand that little boy’s world. There are more days than I care to admit where I wish self-injurious behaviors, anger, anxiety, and aggression didn’t rule our life every second of every day.

Raising a child with special needs can be a tough pill to swallow. It alters your perspective on parenting and transforms you as a mother, whether you want it to or not. The days seemingly become longer and longer, and patience starts to run thinner and thinner. One year ago my world came crashing down around my feet.

But, over the past 12 months, we have been able to pick up those broken and shattered pieces of our life. We have been able to find some amazing therapy and a place that feels like home. A place that has allowed my child to thrive and progress, more than we ever imagined possible. We have pulled strength, courage, and determination from places we never knew or even realized exisisted, ESPECIALLY on those days where the weight of the world seems and feels like a never ending struggle. We have immersed ourselves in autism groups and become advocates for a child that doesn’t yet have a voice. But, don’t let that fool you, because even without words, this little boy is sharing his love of life with the world.

I feel hopeful and confident about our future. We have prevailed. We have overcome an abundant amount of roadblocks, many that I never imagined we would be able to maneuver through. I may not have all the answers yet and there may be more twists and turns on this adventure than I would like, but I realize our life isn’t over and that autism doesn’t mean a death sentence. That this is just the beginning of our new and beautiful life.


This Ausome™ article was originally published on Caitlin Cavallaro’s blog, “Life Through a Different Lens” and republished with permission. Please visit Caitlin’s website or like her Facebook page for more great words.

A Little Patience and a Small Dose of Love

Love and Patience

She doesn’t pick up on social queues like girls her age should, and she doesn’t understand the concept of personal space- especially with people that she cares about.

She has a sensitivity to sound and her eye contact is poor.

She has to work extra hard when following multi-step directions.

She gives the best, tightest hugs and if you give her your time and patience, you would never question for one second how much she loves you.

She has no intellectual impairment but rather an encyclopedic memory that would blow you away.

Her glasses are always crooked and there are kids that exclude her, she also has friends that look for her and think she is hilarious.

She takes under her wing, and has a special place in her little 7-year-old heart for kids that are visibly struggling- so naturally and so much so, that if you were paying attention, it would make you stop and catch your breath.

She loves Star Wars and Pokemon, her books, music on the radio, her friends and her older sister.

She doesn’t listen well and gets obsessive about things such as time, schedules and menus.

Along with her sister, she makes up my whole world.

I would ask that you remember that you can’t always see what people struggle with on the inside.

A little patience, some understanding, and a small dose of love can make all the difference in somebody’s world.