Michigan’s Lt. Governor Calley Makes Plea for Inclusion

Over the last few years, Michigan’s Lieutenant Governor, Brian Calley, has been at the forefront of pushing for state programs to help individuals with both mental and developmental issues. As the father of a daughter with autism, he’s also just released this great public service announcement for all parents as their kids go back to school.

Lt. Governor Calley shared the following on his public Facebook page:

“Do you remember going back to school? I recall being excited, and kind of scared heading into each year. Now imagine if you had a disability that made it hard to make friends.

I have an ask… When you are talking to your children about all the things you talk about when getting ready to go back to school, would you consider asking them to go out of their way to make friends with the kids that often get left out? Its a small thing, but it could make a big difference.

On a personal note, I can tell you that there are few things in my life that can rival the stress of sending my daughter with Autism into a new classroom each year. But there is this little girl that befriended Reagan last year. That child happens to be in the same class this year. It would be difficult to describe how thankful I am for that.”

Rachel L. MacAulay

Founder at Challa & Haggis
Avid reader, lapsed wanderer, reformed cynic, and sometime cyclist. Believes laughter really is the best medicine.

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